Attachment — mated in top spline of the mast and secure on the top by a main rotor
retaining nut and locking device. Security on the bottom is provided by split cones.
Purpose — provides the rotating portion of the blades feathering axis.
Attachment — mounts on the extension by two feather bearings (tungsten carbide steel)
which provide for mounting of the pitch horn on the rear side. Also provides for mounting
of drag brace on the rear side and provides the outboard attaching point for the
tension-torsion (TT) straps.
Purpose — aerodynamic surface to produce usable lift forces and thrust.
Description B540 — The B540 is an all metal blade with a 27 inch chord. The
blade weighs 227 pounds and is 226.5 inches in length with a symmetrical airfoil.
Description K747 — The K747 is a fiberglass blade with a 30 inch chord tapering
to a 10 inch chord at the tip. The blade weighs 237 pounds and is 224 inches in length
with an asymmetrical airfoil. This blade has a longer life span, improved performance and
reduced noise level which results in increased survivability.
Purpose — drive shaft extends rotational loads from the transmission to
the rotor and any components mounted to the splined areas: i.e., swash plate, collective
hub and sleeve.