The basic types of leaf arrangements (Figure 9-3)
are opposite, alternate, compound, simple, and basal rosette.
The basic types of root structures (Figure 9-4)
are the bulb, clove, taproot, tuber, rhizome, corm, and crown. Bulbs
are familiar to us as onions and, when sliced in half, will show concentric
rings. Cloves are those bulblike structures that remind us of garlic and will
separate into small pieces when broken apart. This characteristic separates wild
onions from wild garlic. Taproots resemble carrots and may be single-rooted or
branched, but usually only one plant stalk arises from each root. Tubers are
like potatoes and daylilies and you will find these structures either on strings
or in clusters underneath the parent plants. Rhizomes are large creeping
rootstock or underground stems and many plants arise from the "eyes" of these
roots. Corms are similar to bulbs but are solid when cut rather than possessing
rings. A crown is the type of root structure found on plants such as asparagus
and looks much like a mop head under the soil's surface.
Learn as much as possible about plants you intend to use for food and their
unique characteristics. Some plants have both edible and poisonous parts. Many
are edible only at certain times of the year. Others may have poisonous
relatives that look very similar to the ones you can eat or use for medicine.
12 January 2008 |
Born on 29 October 1999 |